Your French Kisses (Boyfriend Material #3.5)

Lauren Blakely

Rated: 3.83 of 5 stars
3.83 · Steam/Spice level: 4 of 5
Explicit open door [?] · 15 ratings · 110 pages · Published: 02 Mar 2020

Your French Kisses by Lauren Blakely
To do list for my last day of my Paris vacation...
1. Walk along the river
2. Visit all the chocolate shops in the city
3. Wander along the cobblestoned streets.

Things I don't expect to happen...
1. Meet a charming Englishman while strolling along the Seine
2. Spend the afternoon with him exploring Paris, and kissing. So many French kisses...
3. Board a plane that night wishing I'd gotten his last name.

Besides, you can't fall for someone in one day, especially when you live a world apart...

Your French Kisses is a standalone novella in the Boyfriend Material series.
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