Blind Turn (The Technicians #6)

Olivia Gaines

Rated: 4.67 of 5 stars
4.67 ·
[?] · 3 ratings · 158 pages · Published: 26 Apr 2021

Blind Turn by Olivia Gaines
Family can be a dirty word. Mr. Merge has lived alone for the better part of his life fighting the good fight for those in need of help. He wasn’t prepared when a young man showed up on his doorstep in need of assistance.

A young man sent by the Archangel.

Little did Mr. Merge know, the Archangel had more plans for his favorite mentee.

Let’s see, there is Dexter, Ayana, oh yeah, Tootie the podiatrist, One Way, Oleander and Nightshade, the cats, also Castor Bean the Mule; I’ll stop here, but you keep going.

Pack your bags as we head to Monroe County, Arkansas to the Williams Family Farm where Mr. Merge cleans up and makes himself a family.
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