If you believe - really and truly believe with all of your heart and soul - that true love exists, there’s no sense wasting your time on anything less. If you believe in true love, then you know that your soul’s match is out there just waiting to find a heart that beats in the same time as your own. Of course, love at first sight is a real thing for those that believe, too, and when you lock eyes with that special someone, you’ll both instantly know that they are the one for you. Once you find that special someone, the other half of your soul that you know you can’t live without, you’ll do anything in your power to hold onto that love. Wars have been fought for less, so a few bumps in the road and hiccups on the way to forever should be easy to navigate, right? For most people, that may be true, but for Sis and Soda, one of those little hiccups could mean spending forever apart, and neither of them are willing to settle for that. With his hands tied, there’s nothing Soda can do to help secure their future, but Sis isn’t alone out there in the fight. She’s got the strong men and women of the Time Served MC at her back, and there’s nothing they won’t do to help their favorite girl. Cee Bowerman invites you to join Sis and Soda along with the rest of the people who love them as they plan for a future by each other’s side in the book that fans of the Time Served series have been anxiously awaiting.