Back from the Undead (The Bloodhound Files #5)

D.D. Barant

Rated: 4.09 of 5 stars
4.09 ·
[?] · 15 ratings · Published: 29 Oct 2012

Back from the Undead by D.D. Barant
Another work day, another case for the Bloodhound Files. But this time, Jace is truly stumped: How is she, a mere human, supposed to penetrate the dark heart of a child-trafficking ring of pire orphans—one that turns out to be part of a blood-farm operation, in the crime-ridden border city of Vancouver, British Columbia?

Jace is in over her head. But with the help of her former lover, Tanaka—whose family is one of the last samurai clans left in Japan—she stands a chance at seeking justice for the condemned children… Until the Yakuza tries to put an end to Jace's investigation. Jace risks more than death—this time, it's the fate of her very soul that's in danger . . .
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