The Eclipse Ritual (Rituals #1)

Kate Rivenhall

Rated: 3.98 of 5 stars
3.98 · Steam/Spice level: 5 of 5
Explicit and plentiful [?] · 22 ratings · Published: 12 Feb 2024

The Eclipse Ritual by Kate Rivenhall
I remembered the look on his face when I tore my blindfold off. His mouth was wet with my blood and he looked like he wanted more. Like he wanted to devour me.

Obedience, daughter of the Prophet Jonas, has led a blessed life as one of the Chosen Ones. But her faith is tested on the day of the long-awaited Eclipse Ritual, when she gets bound for life to a man she never expected, a man with a dark and obsessive need to possess her.

She begins to learn the truth about her idyllic community, but will her husband be her savior or her damnation? Find out in this dark and depraved cult romance.
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