Little Red and Her Creatures of Chaos (Fairy Tales With A Monstrous Twist #2)

Ames Mills

Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
4.25 · Steam/Spice level: 5 of 5
Explicit and plentiful [?] · 12 ratings · 192 pages · Published: 17 May 2024

Little Red and Her Creatures of Chaos by Ames Mills
My grandma always told me that dreams were a manifestation of real life. That what we saw while we slept would come to light while awake.

So, when I started having dreams about red eyes and big teeth, I searched for the truth. What I found was a world that I never thought was possible. It’s how I found out about the Creatures of Chaos.

And now they think I’m theirs.

**Little Red and Her Creatures of Chaos in a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with a twist. This is part of a shared series. This title will contain MM content and is intended for 18+ readers. Please read the content and trigger warnings in the front of the book.
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