Split or Swallow

Lindsay Straube

Rated: 4.02 of 5 stars
4.02 · Steam/Spice level: 5 of 5
Explicit and plentiful [?] · 18 ratings · 433 pages · Published: 16 Aug 2024

Split or Swallow by Lindsay Straube
THIS BOOK IS NOT SAFE TO READ AT WORK. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. Twenty year old Temperance Verus has never been kissed. But that's what the basilisk is for.

Along with thirteen other contestants, Tem must train with a basilisk to learn the power of seduction and win the prince's hand in marriage. When Tem is matched with Caspen, the Serpent King, she realizes she might actually stand a chance.

But with tensions rising between the basilisks and the humans, Tem is suddenly torn in two directions. As her bond with Caspen deepens, so does her connection with the prince. And when she uncovers a terrible secret about the royal family, Tem finds herself caught between two neither of which she can survive without.

Read this book if you like any of the fangsInappropriate use of a clawHot men with daddy issuesHot women with daddy issuesWitty banterLong, dextrous fingers Guaranteed to make you blush (and then some), Split or Swallow is like if fanfic Draco Malfoy went on the Bachelor and had to compete with a snake. Sounds fun, doesn't it? That's because it is!!

PRAISE FOR SPLIT OR SWALLOW“So you’re thinking, ‘A basilisk? Really?’ The answer is YES. REALLY. This book changed me.”
— @katiec

“Absolutely not safe for work, but so addicting you’ll read it in the break room anyway.”
— @bookbiche

“I had to pray the rosary before and after each chapter.”
— @ktgroberts

“Too hot to read in one sitting, pace yourself.”
— @michaela.whitney

“This book will slither its way right between your thighs and into your heart.”
— @geenareena

“Keep extra batteries by your bed…you’re gonna need them!”
— @hannahisastud

“A wild ride.”
— Lindsay’s mom

“What Lindsay’s mom said.”
— @girly_pop_00
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