Surviving Raine Series by Shay Savage

3.99 · 86 ratings
  • Surviving Raine (Surviving Raine #1)

    Surviving Raine (Surviving Raine #1)

    Shay Savage

    Rated: 4.03 of 5 stars
    · Steam rating: 4 of 5
    · 62 ratings · published 2013

    As the captain of a schooner catering to the elite on the Caribbean Seas, Sebastian Stark does his best to avoid any human encounters. Interacting with people isn’t his thing, and he prefers the company of a bottle of vodka, a shot glass, and maybe a whore. There’s no doubt he’s hiding from a checkered past, but he does well keeping everything to himself… …until the night his schooner capsizes, and he’s stuck on a life raft with one of the passengers... more

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  • Bastian's Storm (Surviving Raine #2)

    Bastian's Storm (Surviving Raine #2)

    Shay Savage

    Rated: 3.90 of 5 stars
    · 24 ratings · published 2014

    Sebastian Stark just isn’t cut out for normal life with a girlfriend in the hot and humid city of Miami. All in all, he’d rather be back on the island where it was just the two of them, and he could keep everything in balance. The bar down the street tempts him daily, but he’s determined to remain strong. Adjusting to normal life is difficult, but Bastian is doing his best to keep himself together and the nightmares away. Raine’s happy, and that’s what matters to him the most... more

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