As the World Dies Series by Rhiannon Frater

3.92 · 62 ratings
  • The First Days (As the World Dies #1)

    The First Days (As the World Dies #1)

    Rhiannon Frater

    Rated: 3.58 of 5 stars
    · 22 ratings · published 2011

    Katie is driving to work one beautiful day when a dead man jumps into her car and tries to eat her.  That same morning, Jenni opens a bedroom door to find her husband devouring their toddler son.  Fate puts Jenni and Katie—total strangers—together in a pickup, fleeing the suddenly zombie-filled streets of the Texas city in which they live. Before the sun has set, they have become more than just friends and allies—they are bonded as tightly as any two people who have been to war together... more

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  • Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies #2)

    Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies #2)

    Rhiannon Frater

    Rated: 4.11 of 5 stars
    · 21 ratings · published 2011

    Picking up where The First Days ends, Fighting to Survive features the further zombie-killing, civilization-saving adventures of a pair of sexy, kick butt heroines and the men who love them. A hundred or so survivors of the zombie plague have found tenuous safety in the walled off center of a small Texas town... more

  • Siege (As the World Dies #3)

    Siege (As the World Dies #3)

    Rhiannon Frater

    Rated: 4.09 of 5 stars
    · 19 ratings · published 2012

    As the survivors continue to seek stability in their lives, forces both inside and outside the fort walls move them toward a final, climactic conflict between the living and the dead.  Jenni, Katie and the others discover that they are not alone, that there is another enclave of survivors whose leaders plan to take over the fort. Faced with a series of difficult decisions, each choice they make could lead to the deaths of those they love or, if not careful, their own demise... more

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