Nanny Series by Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus

3.31 · 98 ratings
  • The Nanny Diaries (Nanny #1)

    The Nanny Diaries (Nanny #1)

    Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus

    Rated: 3.38 of 5 stars
    · 76 ratings · published 2002

    Wanted: One young woman to take care of four-year-old boy. Must be cheerful, enthusiastic and selfless--bordering on masochistic. Must relish sixteen-hour shifts with a deliberately nap-deprived preschooler. Must love getting thrown up on, literally and figuratively, by everyone in his family. Must enjoy the delicious anticipation of ridiculously erratic pay. Mostly, must love being treated like fungus found growing out of employers Hermès bag. Those who take it personally need not apply... more

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  • Nanny Returns (Nanny #2)

    Nanny Returns (Nanny #2)

    Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus

    Rated: 3.04 of 5 stars
    · 23 ratings · published 2010

    More than four million readers fell in love with Nan, the smart, spirited, and sympathetic heroine of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Nanny Diaries. After living abroad for twelve years, Nan and her husband, Ryan, aka H.H., have returned to New York to get her new business off the ground and fix up their fixer-upper... more

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