Her Angel: Bound Warriors Series by Felicity Heaton

4.16 · 27 ratings
  • Fallen Angel (Her Angel: Bound Warriors #2)

    Fallen Angel (Her Angel: Bound Warriors #2)

    Felicity Heaton

    Rated: 4.09 of 5 stars
    · 14 ratings · published 2018

    Cast out of Heaven for a crime he didn’t commit, Lukas has spent three years searching for a way to prove his innocence and slowly falling for a beautiful mortal female. When things take a turn for the worse, he seeks solace in the bottom of a bottle and ends up finding it in Annelie’s arms. But one moment of Heaven becomes one of sheer Hell when his wings make an unexpected appearance. Now, he’s in danger of losing not only his duty, but the woman he loves... more

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  • Warrior Angel (Her Angel: Bound Warriors #3)

    Warrior Angel (Her Angel: Bound Warriors #3)

    Felicity Heaton

    Rated: 4.23 of 5 stars
    · 13 ratings · published 2018

    A powerful hunter angel, Einar is on a mission to discover why one of his kind was working with demons, but it isn’t going well… until he finds one of the demons stalking a beautiful woman. When the male attacks, Einar can’t stop himself from saving her, even when he knows Heaven will hold it against him—the alluring, lethally seductive woman is half demon... more

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