Anna K Series by Jenny Lee

3.56 · 40 ratings
  • Anna K: A Love Story (Anna K #1)

    Anna K: A Love Story (Anna K #1)

    Jenny Lee

    Rated: 3.58 of 5 stars
    · 24 ratings · published 2020

    Every happy teenage girl is the same, while every unhappy teenage girl is miserable in her own special way.Meet Anna K. At seventeen, she is at the top of Manhattan and Greenwich society (even if she prefers the company of her horses and Newfoundland dogs); she has the perfect (if perfectly boring) boyfriend, Alexander W.; and she has always made her Korean-American father proud (even if he can be a little controlling)... more

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  • Anna K: Away (Anna K #2)

    Anna K: Away (Anna K #2)

    Jenny Lee

    Rated: 3.53 of 5 stars
    · 16 ratings · published 2021

    It’s Crazy Rich Asians meets Gossip Girl ! Anna K Away follows the fabulous cast of characters from Anna K over the course of the next summer, when new freedoms lead to life-changing adventures, risks, and self-discoveryHow the mighty have fallen. Anna K, once the golden girl of Greenwich, CT, and New York City, has been brought low by a scandalous sex tape and the tragic death of her first love, Alexia Vronsky... more

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