Boys of BBU Series by L.A. Lambert

3.91 · 11 ratings
  • Dire Straights (Boys of BBU #1)

    Dire Straights (Boys of BBU #1)

    L.A. Lambert

    Rated: 3.91 of 5 stars
    · Steam rating: 4 of 5
    · 11 ratings · published 2024

    Maddox - As a freshman at BBU, I have my pick of parties and girls, but I still feel pretty stressed and unfulfilled. I can't stand my moronic teammates on the swim team, and devoting so much of my time to swimming is starting to take a toll on me. I'm over everything, until I get paired with this socially awkward dweeb named Ren Suzuki in one of my classes. He follows me around like a puppy and wants to show me off to his weird friends... more

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