The Mother-Daughter Book Club Series by Heather Vogel Frederick

4.25 · 125 ratings
  • The Mother-Daughter Book Club (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #1)

    The Mother-Daughter Book Club (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #1)

    Heather Vogel Frederick

    Rated: 4.04 of 5 stars
    · 23 ratings · published 2013

    The book club is about to get a makeover.... Even if Megan would rather be at the mall, Cassidy is late for hockey practice, Emma's already read every book in existence, and Jess is missing her mother too much to care, the new book club is scheduled to meet every month. But what begins as a mom-imposed ritual of reading Little Women soon helps four unlikely friends navigate the drama of middle school... more

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  • Much Ado About Anne (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #2)

    Much Ado About Anne (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #2)

    Heather Vogel Frederick

    Rated: 4.23 of 5 stars
    · 21 ratings · published 2013

    The mother-daughter book club is back! This year the mothers have a big surprise in store for Emma, Jess, Cassidy, and Megan: They've invited snooty Becca Chadwick and her mother to join the book club! But there are bigger problems when Jess finds out that her family may have to give up Half Moon Farm... more

  • Dear Pen Pal (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #3)

    Dear Pen Pal (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #3)

    Heather Vogel Frederick

    Rated: 4.28 of 5 stars
    · 22 ratings · published 2013

    For the mother-daughter book club, everything changes in eighth grade. Could the book club break up? When Jess is offered an anonymous scholarship to a prestigious boarding school, she's not sure that leaving home -- and her friends -- is what she wants to do. Meanwhile Megan's grandmother comes for a long visit and turns everything in the Wong household upside down; Emma crusades against her middle school's new uniforms; and Cassidy fi nds out there's a big change ahead for her family... more

  • Pies & Prejudice (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #4)

    Pies & Prejudice (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #4)

    Heather Vogel Frederick

    Rated: 4.28 of 5 stars
    · 23 ratings · published 2013

    Right before the start of freshman year, Emma’s family unexpectedly moves to England. The book club members are stunned—but thanks to videoconferencing, they can still keep the club alive, and they decide to tackle Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice . And when the girls try to bring Emma home by starting a bake sale, it becomes a thriving business: Pies & Prejudice... more

  • Home for the Holidays (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #5)

    Home for the Holidays (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #5)

    Heather Vogel Frederick

    Rated: 4.31 of 5 stars
    · 20 ratings · published 2013

    This Christmas season, join the girls of the mother-daughter book club for a variety of holiday-themed adventures! Becca, Megan, Emma, Cassidy and Jess have plenty of reading material to bring on their trips, too, because the book club is tackling the Betsy-Tacy series before their next meeting on New Year’s Eve. But unfortunately, nothing goes quite as planned for any of the girls. On a Christmas cruise with their families, Megan and Becca fight over the dashing son of the ship's captain... more

  • Wish You Were Eyre (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #6)

    Wish You Were Eyre (The Mother-Daughter Book Club #6)

    Heather Vogel Frederick

    Rated: 4.40 of 5 stars
    · 16 ratings · published 2013

    The book club says bon voyage to Concord and bonjour to France! It’s a dream come true for Megan, who’s jet-setting to Paris for Fashion Week with Gigi. Meanwhile, back in Concord, Mrs. Wong decides to run for mayor, so Emma and Stewart team up to make her campaign a success. Jess and Cassidy are also hoping for victories, Jess in the a cappella finals with the MadriGals and Cassidy in the national hockey championships with her teammates... more

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