Highland Magic Series by Helen Harper

4.21 · 109 ratings
  • Gifted Thief (Highland Magic #1)

    Gifted Thief (Highland Magic #1)

    Helen Harper

    Rated: 4.05 of 5 stars
    · 31 ratings · published 2016

    Orphan. Runaway. Thief. Since the moment I was ripped from my mother's womb, I've been an outcast amongst my own kind. The Sidhe might possess magical Gifts, unbelievable wealth and unfathomable power but I don't want a thing to do with them. I ran away from their lands in the Highlands of Scotland when I was eleven years old and I've never looked back. I don't need a Clan. I've got my own family of highly skilled thieves who mean more to me than any Sidhe ever could... more

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  • Honour Bound (Highland Magic #2)

    Honour Bound (Highland Magic #2)

    Helen Harper

    Rated: 4.15 of 5 stars
    · 29 ratings · published 2016

    Integrity Taylor should have been a Clan princess. Instead she's lived a life on the very periphery of society. Now that she's learnt more about her heritage, however, and the magic that she's capable of wielding, she's not going to hide in the shadows any longer... more

  • Veiled Threat (Highland Magic #3)

    Veiled Threat (Highland Magic #3)

    Helen Harper

    Rated: 4.40 of 5 stars
    · 26 ratings · published 2016

    Integrity Taylor has regained possession of her ancestral lands - and inherited a whole host of new problems. The spectre of what really happened to her parents is casting a shadow over everything while Fomori demons are being sighted up and down the Highlands. It doesn't help that Aifric Moncrieffe still seems determined to see her dead and emerald eyed Byron remains stubbornly blind to his father's true nature... more

  • Last Wish (Highland Magic #4)

    Last Wish (Highland Magic #4)

    Helen Harper

    Rated: 4.30 of 5 stars
    · 23 ratings · published 2016

    It's not easy pretending to be dead - especially when it feels as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Between an unfulfilled prophecy, the demon-occupied Lowlands, the continuing power of murderous Aifric Moncrieffe - not to mention her constant yearnings for Byron - Integrity Adair has a lot to worry about. Still, how hard can it really be to save Scotland, maintain her morals, get the guy and keep her sense of humour?

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